Hi, I'm a Storyteller...

and the girl behind the lens. I'm Bess, and I am a happy wife to a wonderful man that I met fourteen years ago, a mother of two rambunctious girls, and a professional photographer since 2013.

I have loved photography for as long as I can remember. My mother was a hobby photographer and gifted me my first film camera when I was a child and I've been hooked ever since.

My style is a blend of fine art and photojournalism. Creative but timeless, and above all, natural. I’m always inspired by the people that I meet and their unique stories. I always strive to create natural, authentic images that capture the unique beauty and essence of your true self and I am always chasing the beautiful golden light to compliment your unique story.

Thank you for trusting me with your memories and I want nothing more than to create art and capture your love story, so let’s have some fun! Relax and enjoy your photo session. Cheers to creating memories together, friends.

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